At Freeland House, the team hosted a vibrant Summer Beach-themed Party.

The event was a memorable day, filled with beach-themed fun, music, and a warm atmosphere. Thanks to everyone’s generous support, the home raised an impressive amount that goes into the residents’ funds. The highlight of the day was the fabulous entertainment by Rob and Val and a big thankyou to our dedicated team who worked tirelessly to make the event a success.



“My father has lived here for 2 years and we are very happy with the light, airy and pleasant environment of the households. It has good outside space both in the form of balconies, terraces and gardens, although more could be made of these spaces. We have been very happy with my father's care, the carers and the support staff in the home. Whilst the main care teams have remained stable, there have been changes in management since he has been a resident but hopefully it will now be a period of stability. The facilities in the home are good with regular organised activities, areas of quiet where you can sit, or lounges where you can be with others. Also, there are facilities where you can meet as larger family groups to celebrate birthdays etc. Overall, we are happy with the home and my father is settled, happy and well cared for.”

J F Daughter of Resident