Bernard Morgan, a centenarian and D-Day hero from The Elms, celebrated his remarkable journey and milestone 100th birthday with his family and friends at a care home on Wednesday, February 7.
Bernard Morgan was working as an RAF codebreaker in 1945 and shared a treasured artefact: a secret telex he had deciphered revealing the imminent end of the Second World War. He recounted when he realized that the war was ending, a revelation that came 48 hours before the rest of the world would know.
He kept both the note and his role in the war hidden for 50 years due to secrecy documents he had signed, which finally elapsed in 1994. Bernard said: “It was a surprise. We couldn’t tell anybody until we got the final message to say the war in Germany was now over. He is also featured on Crewe Nub News and we are blessed to know such an incredible person, whose bravery and determination inspire us all!